Even when life is good…it can be confusing and difficult. I guess that’s what keeps me from getting complacent. That’s when I need nature, and quiet, and sometimes a good cry. I’m grateful that the full moon is always dependable in its calming effect on me.
More YouTube commercials I don’t mind watching before getting to what I came for. I would prefer that all ads have the skip feature.
Forget the car…I want the wishes
Bullies vs. ‘Underdog’
Ahahaha…it reminds me of my kids arguing
Is Japan cool? After watching the commercial I’d have to say, “Quite possibly.”
I went to YouTube to watch the ‘Walking Dead’ Super Bowl ad and found it ironic that there was a commercial before the commercial. What’s not to love about zombies
Please post any YouTube commercials that you find entertaining.
For the past couple decades February 14 included candy, hearts & flowers but more importantly it also meant having a birthday cake. Twenty some years ago I was looking forward to the fun of having an April Fools baby. The possibilities on crazy birthday parties were going to be endless. It was also going to be great fun making the birth announcements; I would embellish on the weirdness of it all. But April Fools babies also like to be little tricksters. A week before Christmas I started going into labor (the rest of the story is posted on http://elizabetsyt.com/?p=11). Seven weeks later #2 interrupted my hospital Tupperware party to make a grand entrance seven weeks before her due date. She surprised everyone in the hospital by staying hunkered down inside where she belonged for as long as she did. They called her a miracle…I call it down right stubbornness.
She’s all grown up now and making a life of her own with her boyfriend, Pooh Bear. He got that nickname because he’s dating #2 (let me know if you need that verified). She’s funny (gets that from me), works hard for what she wants, opens up to me more than most kids would, is compassionate and fiercely loyal to those she’s closest to. We have a strong heart connection and I love her to infinity.
Today my own Valentine came home, walked up behind my chair and said, “Close your eyes.” So I closed my eyes, swung around and opened my mouth (food perhaps?). I closed my mouth when I heard the zipper and then a laugh. “Hold out your hands.” When I opened my eyes I was holding a present! Wrapped in heart paper and everything! He even made a homemade card with heartfelt smut sentiments. The kid in me started unwrapping the present but he made me read the card first…typical adult. Red Hot Truffles! I LOVE Red Hot Truffles; they’re so chocolaty delicious & spicy…Mmmm. And not a 6 pack like I was going to get myself but a 15 pack! I’m going to try to eat only 3 a day. Thank goodness I’ll be gone for 4 days so they’ll last longer.
It quite possibly outranks the onyx & jade necklace that I bought for him to give me. I showed him last night what he bought for me and he’s impressed with how well he does getting me stuff I really like…every time! I much prefer our little buying arrangement, especially when it comes to jewelry. My family is under strict orders NEVER to get me something that is shown on the Jeweler commercials. Definitely not me.
So all in all it was a highly successful Valentine’s Day because not only did I get my spicy chocolates…I wasn’t the one who bought them. It’s the little things.
I cried like a baby whenever I heard this song while pregnant with #2
Recess on the playground of the Kindergarten, First & Second graders. We’re surrounded by expanses of a snowy winter wonderland. The play equipment that is usually strung with screeching monkeys is virtually empty. The slides, swings & tunnels are now occupied by the quietest kids. Despite the freedom of “Muahahahahaha…it’s all mine!” I would think it’s still a little unsettling having the place all to themselves. And boring.
Meanwhile, back on the range, three quarters of the kids have left the confines of the play equipment and ventured out into the fields of snow and the snow covered blacktop. Toys of choice: snow shovels (big ticket item), sand shovels & pails, their mitten covered hands. There were groups of kids making huge snowballs or adding to the ones from previous classes, piling snow up into random mounds, trying to make snow castles, snow angels, pushing the shovels around making trails on the blacktop and attempting snow football. It was so cool watching the kids just being kids. No toys and basic toys. Kids don’t need a lot when it comes right down to it.
So as I stood outside during the recesses, basking in the beautiful cold winter day I noticed two things. I hadn’t heard a lot of, “Teacher…so-and-so told me I can’t be blah-blah’s friend and she was my friend first.” (because Norman Rockwell wouldn’t have put that in this picture) and with the wide expanse of children all around me, it felt like I was in the middle of this commercial:
If I had put a big empty box on the playground I definitely would have caught a few
The sounds of playground ruckus & the fierceness that comes with it
Elizabeth had a big smile on her face and was all, “WooHoo,”** and giving the thumbs up sign. She would have start chanting “We’re number one! We’re number one!” if Tebazilena hadn’t knocked her on the side of the head, “Listen up numb-nut that is NOT a good thing!” Even Betsy, who momentarily had a smug smile about our being in some sort of ‘elite’ group, had to admit that when a massage therapist is overly impressed with your tightness, you did not win first prize. The only thing I won was a chance to help pay off a bunch more of her* bills and maybe some nice shoes with a matching purse. In the amount of time it may take for her to get my muscles all loosey-goosey again…maybe a trip to a tropical isle.
I tend to store my emotions on my left side which coinkadinky*** is the female side of the body. I asked Gary which side of his body do the muscles hurt more? What a surprise…the right. Every week SheRa P.o.P. has to rework my neck & upper back trying to get ahead of whatever it is I keep storing there. I have a lot more meditating to do to let go of my emotional baggage. Interestingly, my body is a mirror image to my house…a lot of stuff; ironic that I’m trying to downsize both.
One comment that SheRa says which makes us all quite proud is, “You pink up really nice!” In the massage world this means that my blood has good circulation. “WooHoo!” I’ll take whatever compliment I can knowing what wretched condition my muscles are in.
Okay, fast forward a few weeks from when I started writing this post.
SheRa has now moved from my upper bod and started working on the lower back mess. “You’ve got a tight ass!” “Why…thank you very much! I don’t normally let other people feel my ass.” Elizabeth does 3 backflips and is beaming with pride. Tebazilena started to remind us again that this isn’t a compli~Elizabeth slapped a muzzle on her before she could say it. Betsy asked, “Could you make it cute and perky like when we were 20?” “I’m not a miracle worker.” Well, actually she is but gravity seems to be the stronger villain here. On the upside, at least she didn’t say I WAS a tight ass. Having a tight ass sounds way better! And then she laughed at the irony that I’m naked on her table but wearing my socks (I was having a hot flash & she uncovered my feet). What can I say; my feet seem to always be cold & we like our snuggly socks. We talk about the coolest stuff!
*I was messing with you (my massage therapist, who is a woman, suggested I say he instead of she); I will call her SheRa, Princess of Power because she has incredible hands (& probably feet although I haven’t had her walk on me yet) and is very skillful with getting my muscles to do as they’re told.
** Cool words that spell-checker doesn’t know. It wanted me to replace WooHoo with Boohoo. Excuse me but that would mean the OPPOSITE of what I’m trying to convey. I should work with the word people and open their eyes up to all the words they’re missing out on. They must be boring people.
***Spell-checker didn’t even know what to do with this one. LOL, it’s probably still scratching its head.
I should lend her this CD. It would either soothe some of her clientele or freak ’em out.